Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board

Well, I gave the new diet a go and it seems that I gained about 10 pounds in 2-3 weeks. I just can't consume the amount of calories that the Nutritionist suggested. I will continue to support my hubby on his journey. He is experiencing excellent success with her plan.

I'll return to my previously successful method. No White Stuff! It really works for me, Yes I will still keep balance but I'll have to reduce my calorie intake back to 800-1000 or so if I'm going to continue to loose. 1400-1600 is just too much for this gal.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Battle Wages On

Balanced Nutrition vs. Low Calorie/Low Carbohydrate

I've been battling my weight for about the last 10 years. It's really not a huge mental thing with me as I am very comfortable in my own skin. It just is what it is. “To much of to many good things.” My heart condition continues to interfere with my physical activity levels and this is one of my biggest frustrations especially after having spent the lion share of my life as an athlete. Slowing down is a huge challenge. I lost nearly forty pounds last summer after my third device implant. I'm determined to continue the progress to my goal ~ Fifty pounds to go.

I found success by cutting out most of the "white" stuff from my eating endeavors. You know the drill: pasta, bread, rice, potatoes and yes ice cream. Now, prior to returning to this effective method, I’ll conduct an experiment. I'm working with my hubby and his Nutritionist. Her method involves balanced meal plans and portion control. However, she's asking me to consume about 400 more calories each day than I normally eat.

I already know that the “No White” diet works really well for me. So for now, I am attempting to learn all I can about beneficial calories, proper levels of complex carbohydrates, fats, fruits, vegetables and protein. More than needing to learn about what's healthy, I am striving to find moderation in portion control. The biggest battles for me are reducing my meat portions and getting all the grains in that the nutritionist is recommending. Bleh.

Vegetables are your friend…or so I’m told. I really don’t have any problem living on veggies and since they are basically a free food portions are a breeze. Fruit will be a problem for me. It’s hard to get 4 servings a day in. I love fruit, it just seems like so much.

The big “I refuse to give it up” item is: my morning mocha. This is the one thing in the morning that I look forward to when it comes to all my “food groups.” I’m pretty sure that coffee is it’s own separate and very necessary food group. I know that perhaps a 20-ounce, triple with normal milk is over the top. For now I’m resigned to switch to nonfat milk. It doesn’t taste as good but it’s certainly doable. It is actually a significant saving of calories and fat. I only drink non-fat milk as a rule anyway. I’ll work on reducing the size in the near future.

I will give this experiment two weeks. If I’ve lost any weight, then I’ll give it another 2 weeks. However, if I’ve gained anything, I’ll have to examine the daily calorie count. I will first reduce the carbs I’m getting from the breads and grains for sure.

Next on the list is physical activity. 

Keep smiling...
It makes people wonder what your secret is...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This blog will have all my ramblings regarding health and wellness.

It should be a fun adventure.

Don't forget to check out my other pages:

It's All Good...I Say

It's All Good...Garden

It's All Good...Food

Keep smiling...
It makes people wonder what your secret is...